Coupon Clipping Services


Klip2Save Review

I did it! I actually bought coupons. I've gone from not clipping coupons to buying them. I decided to try the site when I paid full price ($3.00) for the Sunday paper. The Dollar Tree Store only had 4 copies of 1 of the local papers and I was fifth person in line. Our area has had issues for weeks with delivery. Stores and paid home delivery customers are not getting the paper delivered. So sitting in the comfort of my own home and a few clicks later, I ordered the following coupons. I bought 25 coupons for $2.04 and $1.00 for shipping, for a total of $3.04. Some of the 25 coupons can be doubled. The maximum value of all the coupons if I redeem them at Shoprite is $25.50. The total savings when subtracting the shipping is $22.46.

I ordered the coupons on Friday and received them in mail on Monday. I paid for the normal 2-10 day delivery. The coupons are shipped from Tennessee, so depending on when you need the coupons and your location you can opt for the $1.00 shipping.

Benefits of Using a Clipping Service

Save Time: I don't have to spend my Sunday mornings waiting in line for the paper, then cutting out the coupons I wanted.
Save Money: When buying multiple coupons it is cheaper to purchase coupons from a clipping service rather than buying or subscribing to several Sunday papers.
Reduce Clutter: Since we read the news on-line, most of the Sunday paper went unread and straight to the recycle bin, but not before cluttering up the kitchen for a few days.

How I used the clipping service:

When finding what coupons to buy I...

  • Checked our local Shoprite's current sales flyer and the preview ad for the following week, comparing sales to the what coupons were offered. I receive a local paper in the mail on Thursday that has the sales flyer for the following Sunday thru Saturday sales cycle. I can compare what is on sale next week against the sales flyer for this week's shopping trip before I head to the store on Friday.
  • Checked my favorite rebate app for additional savings.
  • Made sure the coupon had an expiration date at least 2 weeks from when I ordered it.
  • Ordered the coupons a week before I planned on going shopping.
  • Paid for the minimum $1.00 shipping option to maximize savings.
  • Tried to BE REALISTIC: Was I really going to use that coupon and use the coupon before it expires?


Will I buy coupons again? YES! If there are coupons that I know I will use and can buy multiples it is worth it. Also, there are some weeks that I only use a few coupons from the insert, so it is better to order them from Klip2Save since, again, you can order multiples!!!!!