Money Saving Recipes for Those Who Love to Bake!

Running low on milk, eggs, or butter?

I enjoy baking when I can. However, as prices increase for some ingredients like vanilla and butter, my love of baking is adding extra dollars to a budget that I am trying to reduce. I've looked for ways to save money using recipes with inexpensive and common (to my pantry) ingredients. If your cupboard is like mine, you may have spices that are rarely used. To save, I found bread recipes that use water instead of milk and waffles that uses oil instead of butter.

  1. Bread
  2. No Buttermilk
  3. Baking without Eggs
  4. What to do with... Almond Extract
  5. What to do with... Evaporated Milk
  6. What to do when you have... No Milk

As I mentioned a previous post titled the Bread Challenge, I reduced the amount of money spent on bread by:

  1. Reducing the number of loaves: we use the store bought bread for toast in the morning.
  2. Finding a cheaper priced bread: I buy most of our bread at Costco. Occassionally, I buy bread at Shoprite when it is on sale.
  3. Changing what we eat: I make bread, pancakes, and waffles at home.

Bread without Butter and Eggs

Here are my go to recipes for bread when you don't want to use up your butter, eggs, or milk.

I tweaked this recipe from Pinch of Yum. I use canola oil and a combination of whole wheat and all purpose flours. I double the recipe and make three loaves.

Also, my sandwich bread from Costco was running low so I put the cinnamon and sugar mixture on 2 of the 3 loaves, leaving a plain loaf for lunches.

Since the loaves are baked in an 8x4 pan, the bread makes great french toast!

I have yet to get around to making english muffins. So, english muffin bread has been on my mind for a while. When searching for a recipe I found most called for milk. Since I wasn't scheduled to go grocery shopping until the following Saturday and did not want to use milk, I searched for recipes for the bread that used water and I found it:
No Knead English Muffin Bread!

Whole Wheat Bread
Here are 2 recipes that I use for bread.
Homemade Whole Wheat Bread!

Homemade Whole Wheat Bread. The recipe does call for 2/3 cup of honey, so I don't use this one that often. Since honey is more expensive, I tend to bake without it. I buy honey at Aldi. It is $4.99 for 24 oz. At $0.21 per ounce, this recipe uses $1.12 worth of honey.

NO Buttermilk?

Here is my go to recipe for pancakes that doesn't use buttermilk. I triple the recipe, making approximately 28-30 pancakes, so I have left overs for the following day.

NO Eggs?

Craving a cookie but you don't have eggs or are running low? Here are a few recipes that you can bake:

  1. Chocolate Chip Cookies: My daughter baked eggless chocolate chip cookies last night! She wanted to bake some chocolate chip cookies but I wanted to use the what was left of our eggs for breakfast. I found the recipe here: Keeping Life Sane My children (those who eat cookies) enjoyed them and did not notice a difference. Paired with a cup of tea, I still had 2, okay maybe 3!

Cocoa Fudge Cookies: This recipe also saves on butter because it only uses 5 tablespoons. My daughter baked these this weekend and added the chocolate chips.

What To Do With Almond Extract?

Here is a recipe I found to use up the almond extract that is in my cupboard. I made it with the kids and everyone liked it, which is a treat because I have highly selective eaters! There are few recipes that all 6 of us can agree on. Yikes, we ate the cake before I could take a picture!

Simple Yogurt Cake

What To Do With Evaporated Milk?

I been staring at a can of evaporated milk that was not used at Christmas each time I open the cabinet. I hate to throw out food so began looking for recipes that I could use. Since evaporated milk is a canned product with approximately 60% of the water removed, it works well in many recipes beyond the standard Christmas Fudge. I settled on brownies and pancakes.

What To Do When You Don't Have Milk?

If you bake, eat cereal, or have kids you probably have milk in the refrigerator. I buy 2 gallons every two weeks (Organic Wholesome Pantry at Shoprite for $4.99 each) and keep a half gallon (Friendly Farms Organic at Aldi for $2.95) with an extended sell by date to use if we run out of the gallons. I make pancakes and waffles each week so I don't have a lot of milk to use in other recipes. I found this recipe for Banana Bread that doesn't use milk and can be made in one bowl!